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Saturday, March 17, 2012

9 Ways To Make More Money With IM - Forget About Money! Yes!

There are alot of posts lately about "how can I make more money" or "How can I make $1000 with just $100"

Its all about money!, lets just stop for a minute. It really isnt about money. 

If you want to make money online, and I mean really kill it online, you need to start attracting money instead of just chasing it. Yes! Most people go about it the wrong way. 

Do you think selfish people attract money?? NO!

Money is really just a form of energy or flow of energy. It is normally attracted to businesses that solve real problems for people or other businesses.

Most people wonder why they are not doing well online, however they forget that they are ignoring how money works, and so money ignores them. It is simple as that. 

People have wants and needs, and they also have money. So you need to give them solutions or fixes for their problems. 

You do not have to come up with anything ground breaking for your solution...that is where people get it wrong. All you have to do is be different, come up with a great solutions, even find a really good solution and put your own spin on it. In fact that is what many wealthy people have done both online and offline and it has made them massive amounts of money. 

So do not think about money forget about it ALLTOGETHER!

Wake up each day and say to yourself, "how do I create massive value today"

"How can I offer the best solutions to people that need a fix"

That way you are letting the flow of money and enegy attract to you. Let the money come to you! Stop being arrogant, and thinking bout how you can make your next $1000, or $10,000 or even $1 Million.

Learn to help first, and do not become selfish. That is how you will see fast results. 

If you want to become wealthy, you can break it down to 9 things....

First find as many people as you can and....

1) Make them feel emotionally happy. 

2) Fix an annoying problem they have. 

3) Teach them how to do something. 

4) Make them feel better or more physically attractive.

5) Make them feel safer in the day or night. 

6) Make them laugh or help them find happiness. 

7) Satisfy their needs, either nutritional, or human needs such as physiological or sexual.

8) Teach them how to make their life easier.

9) Help them reach their biggest dreams and goals in life.

If you make a stance and decide to not rest until you do one of these 9 things, you will not have to work out where you next $100 is going to come from. Or your next $1000 either. 

Money will find it's way to you. 

Stop trolling around the warrior forum and writing down which technique is going to make your rich. First do not be selfish and sit down with a PEN and PAPER and ask yourself these 2 simple questions....

"What amazing things can I offer others?" .....

"What amazing VALUE can I give to others?" .....

I mean really sit there and do this exercise, because if you do, you will be a money magnet and you will never have to chase money ever again!


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